
  • Who is Eligible for 的 Standard Scholarship Program?

    This Scholarship program is available to individuals and families who live within 的 boundaries of 的 Ann Arbor Public School District and have documented income/support that falls within specific HUD income guidelines.

    • Non-AAPS residents are able to apply for 的 scholarship program as long as 的ir children attend an AAPS school. If approved, 的 scholarship will only apply to 的 children listed on 的 application.
    • If you have children who are 18 years or older and not attending high school but are living in your household, 他们需要填写自己的申请表.
    • If you have grandparents or relatives living in your household, 的n 他们需要填写自己的申请表.


    早期! Please submit your Scholarship Application and required documentation 至少10个工作日 before any class/activity/camp registration is scheduled to begin. There are numerous registrations throughout 的 year and it takes time to review and process each scholarship application. Apply as early as possible to avoid registration delays. 矩形 & Ed class/activity/camp registrations cannot be processed until we have an approved scholarship on file or full payment is received.

    **Please note that we are not able to refund fees or retroactively apply this scholarship to previously enrolled classes/activities/camps.**


    1. Use our new scholarship application system, Submittable to complete your application.

    2. If you are not able to fill out 的 application online, call us at 734-994-2300 x 0 or s结束邮件至 scholarships@michiganroom.net 申请纸质申请

    3. 提供以下内容 要求 验证:

    • 核实居住地 within 的 AAPS district by submitting a copy of your valid driver’s license, a valid State ID or a current signed lease agreement.
    • 证明你的收入/支持 by providing a copy of recent tax forms, a copy of your W-2’s and two current pay checks.
    • If you are self-employed, please provide a copy of your Schedule C.
    • Based on income/support provided, alternative or additional documentation may be required.

    4. 提交你的申请和文件 在Submittable 或者下面列出的方法之一:

    • Drop off at our office during 的 business hours: Monday-Thursday 9 a-4p
    • Use 的 secure drop box located on 的 exterior wall (between doors #57 & 在S上. 在我们楼的第七街那边.
    • 将所有表格电邮至: scholarships@michiganroom.net
    • 邮寄至:“矩形 & Ed奖学金” at 1515 S 7th St, 密歇根州安娜堡48103

    You will receive an email regarding your application status within 5-7 business days from 的 date we receive your completed application.


    矩形有什么好处 & Ed Scholarship provide to an Individual or Family for 类/Activities or 营地?

    Individuals or families approved under this program will ei的r be eligible for a 100% fee waiver or a 50% fee waiver based on 的 documented income/support level. Each approved individual or family member may use 的 scholarship fee waiver/reduction for (1) 矩形 & Ed class/ activity for our Fall, Winter and Spring terms & 2个班/活动或1个营(只限青少年) & 我们夏季学期的1节课/活动.

    Are There Any Additional Costs or Exclusions for 矩形 & 教育类/活动/营地?

    Scholarship recipients over 18 years of 年龄 are required to pay a minimum $5.00 co-pay at 的 time of class/activity registration. Some classes/activities/camps may indicate additional fees or specific scholarship co-pays. Some of our classes/activities/camps may be excluded from 的 scholarship program or have a limited number of available spaces.

    Does this Scholarship Program Apply to 的 Before and After School Programs?

    是的! You just need to complete 的 additional section on 的 application labeled “Before & 课后照顾计划”.  根据你的家庭收入水平, 您的孩子(ren)将获得25%的奖励, 50% or 75% fee reduction of 的 “standard” fees for before and after care sessions. (Fee reductions do not apply to 的 enrollment fee, late payment or late pick-up fees)

    How Do I 注册 for 类/Activities/类 Using a Scholarship?

    Once you receive 的 email that states your scholarship award and 的 enrollment period has opened for registration, 请致电我们办公室(734-994-2300 x 0) during our normal business hours (M-F from 8am-5pm) for assistance with registration. (We do save a specific number of spaces in all of our classes/camps, 专门针对奖学金获得者.) You must call our office to register because our on-line registration system is not able to process scholarship or discount registrations. We encour年龄 you to register early as spaces fill up quickly.

    You will receive confirmation of your registration by email once your registration has been processed.


    奖学金 approved under this program will begin 的 date 的 scholarship is approved and will expire on 的 first of 的 following month of 的 following year. 这项奖学金必须每年更新一次.
